Landed in 1924 … coming back in 2024.
The Johnstown Meteorite is coming home for its 100th birthday!

Join us at the I Landed in Johnstown Centennial Celebration as we welcome back the famous and rare celestial rock that interrupted a funeral at the old Elwell cemetery a century ago. Check out the featured events below and bring a friend!
Schedule of Events
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Johnstown Cemetery
10 a.m.
Dedication of a permanent memorial space featuring a historical marker with the story of the meteorite fall.
Roosevelt High School
1 – 6 p.m. – Rock & Gem Show, Student Art Show, Kids’ “Space Crafts” & Activities and more!
2 – 5 p.m. – Rock Identification
Bring any rock for a free professional analysis
7 p.m. – Evening Program
NASA guest speakers Dr. Carol Raymond and astronaut Dr. Thomas Jones.
9 p.m. – Johnstown’s first ever Drone Show
As the story goes…
On July 6, 1924, a funeral for John Moore of Milliken was interrupted at the Elwell Cemetery outside of Johnstown when the meteorite, weighing nearly 12 lbs., fell right outside the cemetery. As the meteorite fell, the sight was reported to be so incredible, that funeralgoers left the ceremony to investigate what had happened. A couple individuals nearby took up their shovels to dig the meteorite out of its crater and took it into town. The meteorite became the talk of the region with people coming from all over to see it for themselves. The large piece of the meteorite eventually ended up at the Denver Natural History Museum (now the Denver Museum of Nature and Science) where it can still be seen on display today. The Johnstown Meteorite is famous around the world and scientists from all over have studied it for its unique origin, composition, and spectacular entrance to Earth.